Mon Repos turtle tour

From November to March, visit Bundaberg’s Mon Repos Beach for guided tours to witness the largest Loggerhead Turtle rookery in the Southern Hemisphere.

This is a MUST DO! Every November to March is Turtle Season in Bundaberg. Tickets can be obtained from the Tourism Information Centre. Booking in advance is highly recommended! Don’t miss out!

Bundaberg is home to the Largest Logger Head Turtle Rookery in the Southern Hemisphere. Every year hundreds of turtles make their way to Mon Repos Beach to lay their clutches of eggs. Queensland Parks and Wildlife Services offer Ranger Guided Tours from November to March for the opportunity to get up close and personal with these magnificent sea creatures.

The Turtle Express Turtle Tour which includes coach transfers and the Mon Repos Turtle Ticket which does not include transfers and is based on first in best dressed.

Learn more about the Mon Repos Turtle encounter tours here.

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